Many folks would like to see us back on the Moon and developing its resources.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

pseudorandom: More on Thermal Depolymerization: "April 27, 2003
More on Thermal Depolymerization
My entry on thermal depolymerization has engendered more comments than any other entry of mine to date -- 23 as of this writing. There seems to be fairly serious disagreement about the practicality of the technology and whether the claims made for it are entirely true.
The company behind this version of thermal depolymerization is Changing World Technologies of West Hempstead, New York. I couldn't find any technical information their site more detailed than what was in the Discover article, but one story on their site mentioned 'scientist Paul Baskis.' A USPTO search turned up the following patents for Paul T. Baskis:
6,109,123 Rotational inertial motor
5,825,839 Method and apparatus for converting radioactive materials to electrical energy
5,543,061 Reforming process and apparatus
5,360,553 Process for reforming materials into useful products and apparatus
5,269,947 Thermal depolymerizing reforming process and apparatus
The first patent, 5,269,947, would seem to be the critical one: "

Changing World Technologies: "Changing World Technologies, Inc. is an energy and environmental service company that provides funding and management expertise to its joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries. Our mission is to identify, introduce and commercialize environment-friendly energy technologies to the international marketplace. Our company's products and services are aimed at providing energy independence, ensuring a better future for industry, business, engineering and science throughout the world.
CWT is the owner and developer of processes that convert industrial waste and low-value streams into fuels, oils, gases and carbons, with no hazardous emissions into the environment.
snip - Killing germs, reducing waste, making oil: TDP might be the next big thing: "Killing germs, reducing waste, making oil: TDP might be the next big thing
This was going to be a column about oil. Instead, it's also about disease, poison, and a cool way to get rid of both.
Actually, it's about a new technology � a new process that is going to make a Difference. One that's going to change things, and one you're going to be hearing a lot more about.
The process is called thermal depolymerization or TDP, and the company that's doing it is West Hempstead, N.Y.-based Changing World Technologies.
Don't be intimidated by the name. It's just a nine-syllable way of saying 'using heat to break down complex material into simple material.' "

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Reuters Recommends News Article |

Hot Trash-To-Fuel Technology Gathering Steam
Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:13 AM ET

By Timothy Gardner
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Got garbage? Toxic trash? Zap it with a torch three times hotter than the sun and gather the resulting gas to fuel pollution-free cars and home power units.

It may seem like an idea out of a mad scientist's notebook, but the method -- known as plasma torch technology -- is gaining acceptance with governments and corporations, especially those with growing waste problems.



Monday, February 23, 2004

The trouble with Rover is revealed: "The trouble with Rover is revealed
By Ron Wilson, EE Times
February 20, 2004 (6:32 p.m. EST)
SAN MATEO, Calif. � When the Mars rover Spirit went dark on Jan.21 a Jet Propulsion Laboratory team undertook to reprogram the craft's computer only to find themselves introducing an unpredictable sequences of events.
The trouble with the Mars rover Spirit started much earlier in the mission than the day the craft stopped communicating with ground controllers.
'It was recognized just after [the June 2003] launch that there were some serious shortcomings in the code that had been put into the launch load of software,' said JPL data management engineer Roger Klemm. 'The code was reworked, and a complete new memory image was uploaded to the spacecraft and installed on the rover shortly after launch.'
That appeared to fix the problems that had been identified with the initial load. But what no one at JPL could have anticipated was that the new load also made possible a totally implausible sequence of events that would, many months later, silence Spirit. "

Read the rest at URL above. - LRK -

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Welcome to CONTACT 2003: "

Posters & Flyers

Feel free to download and print our poster. We encourage promotion of the conference, so make use of these poster and flyers as you like."

WILL BE GOING TO CONTACT 2004 - Let me know what interests you.
- LRK -
Spaceflight Now | Destination Mars | NASA has Mars missions planned through decade: "NASA has Mars missions planned through decade
Posted: December 31, 2003"

The Mars Exploration Rovers represent the next step in an ambitious, on-going program to explore the Red Planet, to map out its structure, composition and meteorology and to determine whether it ever harbored life.

NASA plans to follow the 2003 rover missions with launch of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in August 2005, a 1,900-kilogram (4,200-pound) spacecraft loaded with nine state-of-the-art instruments and cameras that are "truly an order of magnitude beyond that which we've done with Odyssey and MGS," said James Garvin, NASA's chief Mars scientist.

Science & Technology: Mars Express: "THE MISSION:
Mars Express, so called because of the rapid and streamlined development time, represents ESA's first visit to another planet in the Solar System. Borrowing technology from the failed Mars 96 mission and ESA's Rosetta mission, Mars Express will help answer fundamental questions about the geology, atmosphere, surface environment, history of water and potential for life on Mars."
DOING GREAT - LRK - "Update On Mars with Cornell Astronomer Steve Squyers,
Principal Investigator on the Mars Rover Missions

� 2004 by Linda Moulton Howe "


Moon and Mars - Videos
