This is 42 minutes and sounds really great if you wear stereo headphones. (A bit quiet on my laptop speakers.)
Sometime back there was a push to film NASA missions in IMAX. Some of the views are impressive.
The message loud and clear is we all live on this BLUE PLANET and we are conducting an uncontrolled experiment that we have no idea what the outcome will be.
I know, 42 minutes is a long time to watch with no commercial breaks. :-)
- LRK -
IMAX - Blue planet . 1080i - YouTube
This is an educational video "IMAX: The Earth", produced by the JPL and NASA. Uploaded for an introductory course on Astronomy. ASTR110 section 01, Ancilla College, Donaldson Indiana. Published under the Creative Commons License and in the Public Domain.
This movie is part of the collection: Community Video
Producer: JPL/NASA
Audio/Visual: sound
Keywords: astr110; astronomy;planetary system ; garthus; JPL; NASA
This movie is part of the collection: Community Video
Producer: JPL/NASA
Audio/Visual: sound
Keywords: astr110; astronomy;
Creative Commons license: CC0 1.0 Universal
I have not seen the IMAX film but if the same would proably have been quite immersive.
- LRK -
Blue Planet is an IMAX film directed by Ben Burtt, and produced by the IMAX Space Technology corporation for the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, as well as Lockheed Corporation. Filmed with the cooperation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it was written, edited, and narrated by Toni Myers.[1][2]
Partially filmed from orbit during space shuttle missions, the film is about the planet Earth. The changes and constants are highlighted, and the film attempts to show how fragile and unique Earth is. Origins of the planet, how it has changed, what man's role in change is, and other issues are discussed. The film features footage that was filmed from space, underwater, computer animations based on satellite data, and a variety of views from the surface to illustrate the topics.[1]
A DVD seems to be available from for $0.01 used. :-)
Some of the reviews of the copy were not that complementary and only for Region 1 - US and Canada.
- LRK -
Blue Planet (IMAX) (2001)
The IMAX film Blue Planet offers an eloquent reminder--and a cautionary warning--that the planet Earth is a delicate living organism, constantly reshaped and rejuvenated by the awesome forces of nature. The film targets a grade-school audience but will prove informative to anyone fascinated by our home planet's evolution. Hurricanes, glaciers, volcanoes, thunderstorms, asteroid impacts, undersea furnace vents, and earthquakes are all explored as a system of interconnected forces that ensure the planet's survival. The difference between this and other nature films is that the Earth's delicacy is emphasized by stunning views from space, filmed in the IMAX format by NASA astronauts in orbit 200 miles above the Earth's surface. With astonishing clarity, this orbital perspective supports the film's ultimate purpose: to reveal the awesome beauty of the Earth, and to emphasize that we, the custodians of this miraculous gift, are also the greatest threat to the planet's delicate health. Proof of man's destructive influence offers a sobering reminder that our responsibility toward nature is perpetual, essential, and routinely abused.
[hmmm, I enjoyed watching the educational video "IMAX: The Earth" at and the video says "IMAX - Blue planet . 1080i - YouTube" so not sure if it is the same as the DVD or theater IMAX versions so your viewing may vary. - LRK -]
Maybe looking at burning jungles and muddy rivers is boring and talking about thin smoggy atmosphere is not exciting.
I thought lightning from space was striking and thunderstorms in stereo are impressive.
Flying over a meteor crater shows you what can and has happened.
Custodians of this BLUE PLANET are we to be?
Oh well, I can just move off planet. OH OH OH maybe not yet,
Will someone look up for me. Anyone see the transporter?
- LRK -
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Coral reef fish danger - Blue Planet - BBC Environment
Uploaded on Jan 9, 2009
BBC 'Blue Planet - Deep Trouble' team explain the environmental dangers facing the world's shallow waters. With high demands for rare species of fish, coral reefs are in danger of being fished out and deserted. Brilliant natural world video.
4:03 min
Planet Earth, Deep Blue, Blue Planet
(See all list)
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